“Baking Cookies” afternoon activity

“Baking Cookies” afternoon activity

Working together and learning from each other in a mixed age group

9 students of the elective subject English 6ab decided to invite pupils of class 2d and the afternoon care program to bake cookies together in an English language environment. Since a lot of pupils were ill before Christmas, the activity was postponed to January.  In preparation for the baking activity, the elder students translated recipes into “easy” English and prepared small cards to introduce the ingredients as well as the baking equipment to the younger ones. On Tuesday afternoon we all met at the Klerr-Stüberl and used the tiny kitchen with the one and only stove and oven at our school for making the cookies. 

Take a look at the photos and you will see that everyone had a lot of fun, gained new insights into baking and finally enjoyed eating the goodies. Special thanks to Mag. Handsteiner for providing assistance and helping with the dishes.  

Mag. Simone Pils