„Fun with Stories” in Drosendorf

From February 16th to 20th, I took an intensive course called Fun with Stories for second graders of MNS and AHS. I was involved in one of the courses that take place several times a year. On the first day teaching started right away, at 10 a.m. The three hours teaching which took place right in the castle with regular breaks between for preparing projects which we had to present to the whole class.

Of course we also learned new things. Every day we started a new topic, where we had 15 minutes to write a fitting story about the current topic.

In addition to the lessons, we also went for some walk round the historic castle or the beautiful old town. On the last day we proudly presented our parents what we did.

For me it was a nice experience, it was more than just teaching, we also made new friends and learned a lot about writing stories in English.

It was well worth it and I would definitely recommend it to you.

Lasing Patalapon, 2a
